Gerri's Pet Sitting Gerri's Pet Sitting We provide Pet Sitting Service in Studio City, CA
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Strut Your Mutt Pet Sitting serving west Los Angeles We devote all of our time to doing that which we absolutely love--being around and caring for pets. We have extensive experience in caring for special needs pets and would like to invite you to read Joey's and Button’s stories to see what we mean. We love all pets furry and non-furry and the people that they own.
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reliable pet sitting Reliable Pet Sitting A PROFESSIONAL SERVICE WITH A PERSONAL TOUCH.
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Paws First Choice Dog Training in the 805 Dog Friendly Dog Training and Lifestyle Pet Photography in Ventura County, California
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Solutions! Pet Services Solutions! Pet Services Dog training became my calling after realizing how many animals were euthanized each year in shelters; many because their owners couldn't deal with problem behavior. Behavior which often could have been fixed with the proper guidance from a professional
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Rosies Pet Sitting Services Rosemary Flores Pet Sitting Service
rosiespetstitting.com | |
The Dog Walker CA LLC Debbie Floyd Pet Sitting Service
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Doggone Good Dog Walking Service Dog Walking Service,CA Doggone Good!! Dog Walking Service
Jeff Baymiller Owner
Attention All Dogs
Let Me Walk You So
Your Parent Does Not
Have To Come
Home For Lunch!
First Walk Free!! 20% Off 5th Walk
Above offer for long term customers only
References Available
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Cindy Westen - Animal Connunicator Animal Telepath & Intuitive Healer, It is deep relaxed state which opens you up to positive suggestions to reprogram negative patterns. It is like the state you are in when you just wake up or right before you fall asleep - hypnosis takes you to that place where you are relaxed. Very few people fall asleep, but even so, it still is effective because your hearing never sleeps. Your subconscious can still hear what I am saying.
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Peanut's Pet Services Peanut's Pet Services We provide safe and secure service for your four, six, or eight legged family member. With our webcast service we bring a camera with us into your home so you can check up on your loved one while your away. We also have Daycare and Boarding at our house, with web cam as well.
Services About Us | |
Furry Friends Pet Care Furry Friends Pet Care We Provides Pet Sitting Service in Encinitas, CA,
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CANINE CARDIO Pet Sitter and Dog Walker/ Exercise Service Canine Cardio will give your active dog the work-out he wants. Walks, sprints, runs, jogs...whatever his fitness level. We also offer pet sitting when you can't be there. Member of National Assoc. of Professional Pet Sitters and OC Pet Sitters of So. CA. Pet Tech certified. Insured, References. Website is www.caninecardio@yahoo.net
Linda Nigro
Canine Cardio
About us Services & Pricing | |
Personal & Home Services by Patricia Patricia Domin Pet Sitting Service
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World Of Dog Training Boris Smith Pet Sitting Service
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Carolyn's Pet Care Serving the Palos Verdes Peninsula Overnight stays, dog walk/hikes, visits, basic/follow-through obedience training, medication administration and vet visits. Coverage includes all of Rolling Hills and Rolling Hills Estates, most of Palos Verdes Estates and parts of Rancho Palos Verdes, Lomita and Torrance.
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Divine Pet Care San Diego County Professional Pet Sitting / Pet Care, Dog Walking, & Pet Taxi Divine Pet Care is a highly professional & affordable pet sitting company owned & operated by a Licensed Veterinary Nurse/ASPCA Shelter Manager/professional pet sitter with over 12 years animal care experience. Divine Pet Care services all pets & offers daily visits/dog walks/overnight care/ pet taxi service throughout San Diego County. Fully licensed/insured; member PSI, NAPPS, PUPS, and PSA! (No extra charge for additional pets, dogs, weekends, or administration of prescribed medications!)
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Angela's Pet Sittng Angela's Pet Care Services Every animal has a unique personality and disposition. Because of this, every animal needs to be taken care of differently. This requires a unique Pet sitter, with a wide range of experience and a wealth of knowledge. Whether you want to have me walk your dog, or pet sit, or for an overnight pet sitting, you can trust me. If you love your animal, you can count on Angela's Pet Care services for all your pet care needs,
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Faith's Furry Friends South Bay Dog Walker/petsitter Available Reasonable rates for private dog walks and vacation visits. Bonded & Insured. Member Petsitters International. No group walks, boarding or overnights. References available.
About Us Pets Services | |
There's No Place Like Home Pet Sitting Service, CA There's No Place Like Home, CA
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SoCal Pet Nanny Lisa McGuire Pet Sitting Service
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Sue's Critter Care Daily Pet Visits I'm an insured, experienced, licened and reliable pet sitter. I offer daily pet visits with lots of TLC! References with local ties to the community. Servicing Rancho Bernardo, Poway, 4S Ranch and Carmel Mt Ranch area. Call me for a free consultation. 858-213-3054.
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Fetch! Pet Care of South San Diego Jaimy Wilkinson Pet Sitting Service
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Lucky Dog Walking Service Los Angeles Angie Kane Pet Sitting Service
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Pampered Pet Sitting Pet Sitting Serving All of the Saddleback Valley, Tustin, Irvine Over the years we have had the responsibility and care of literally hundreds of animals, including the birthing of over 200 litters. Daily tasks included the administering of shots, medications, bathing, grooming and general maintenance of the health and well being of the animal.
Fees About us | |
Pet Concierge mark sullins Pet Sitting Service
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